دورة برنامج أدوبي إنديزاين Adobe InDesign
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          الموضوع: دورة برنامج أدوبي إنديزاين Adobe InDesign

 تعلن اكاديمية اركيزون (Archizon Academy) الشريك المعتمد لشركة أوتوديسك في الأردن عن طرح دورات جرافيك ديزاين (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In-Design) بشهادات معتمدة من شركة Adobe و هيئة تنمية وتطوير المهارات المهنية والتقنية الأردنية.

دورة برنامج أدوبي إنديزاين Adobe InDesign

# دورة برنامج أدوبي إنديزاين Adobe InDesign

تفاصيل المحتوى التدريبي لدورة Adobe InDesign :

Course Details

MODULE 1: Workspace and workflow

Module1.1 Create new documents

Module1.2 Workspace basics

Module1.3 Work with files and templates

Module1.4 Understand a basic managed-file workflow

Module1.5 Toolbox

Module1.6 Share content

Module1.7 Customize menus and keyboard shortcuts

Module1.8 Recovery and undo

Module1.9 PageMaker menu commands

Module1.10 Assignment packages

Module1.11 Adjust your workflow

Module1.12 Work with managed files

Module1.13 View the workspace

Module1.14 Creating and saving your own workspace

Module1.15 Save documents

MODULE 2: Layout and design

Moudle2.1 Generate QR codes

Moudle2.2 Add basic page numbering

Moudle2.3 Create a table of contents

Moudle2.4 Create book files

Moudle2.5 Create text and text frames

Moudle2.6 About pages and spreads

Moudle2.7 Create new documents

Moudle2.8 Liquid Layouts and Alternate Layouts

Moudle2.9 Create an index

Moudle2.10 Create documents

Moudle2.11 Footnotes

Moudle2.12 Text variables

Moudle2.13 Create type on a path

Moudle2.14 Linked content

Moudle2.15 Align and distribute objects

Moudle2.16 Lay out frames and pages

Moudle2.17 Captions

Moudle2.18 Clipping paths

Moudle2.19 Generating image captions with metadata

Moudle2.20 Making shiny graphics

Moudle2.21 Managing documents with multiple page sizes

Moudle2.22 Mini Bridge: Getting access to your assets

Moudle2.23 Mixing page sizes with the new Page tool

Moudle2.24 Spanning and Splitting columns

Moudle2.25 Add basic page numbering

Moudle2.26 Grids

Moudle2.27 Align text

MODULE 3: Text

Moudle3.1 Threading text

Moudle3.2 Wrap text around objects

Moudle3.3 Glyphs and special characters

Moudle3.4 Bullets and numbering

Moudle3.5 Find/Change

Moudle3.6 Anchored objects

Moudle3.7 Articles

Moudle3.8 Format CJK characters

Moudle3.9 Spell-check and language dictionaries

Moudle3.10 Text Frame fitting options

Moudle3.11 Add text to frames

Moudle3.12 Edit text

Moudle3.13 Track and review changes

Moudle3.14 Add editorial notes in InDesign

Moudle3.15 Linked stories

Moudle3.16 Creating bullets and numbering

Moudle3.17 Creating footnotes

Moudle3.18 Linking text stories

MODULE 4: Styles

Moudle4.1 Paragraph and character styles

Moudle4.2 Object styles

Moudle4.3 Drop caps and nested styles

Moudle4.4 Work with styles

MODULE 5: Typography

Moudle5.1 Tabs and indents

Moudle5.2 Text composition

Moudle5.3 Format paragraphs

Moudle5.4 Using fonts

Moudle5.5 Format text

Moudle5.6 Leading

Moudle5.7 Kerning and tracking

Moudle5.8 Work with Type kit fonts

MODULE 6: Tables

Moudle6.1 Format tables

Moudle6.2 Create tables

Moudle6.3 Table and cell styles

Moudle6.4 Select and edit tables

Moudle6.5 Table strokes and fills

MODULE 7: Interactivity

Moudle7.1 Hyperlinks

Moudle7.2 Dynamic PDF documents

Moudle7.3 Bookmarks

MODULE 8: Drawing and painting

Moudle8.1 Apply line (stroke) settings

Moudle8.2 Draw with lines and shapes

Moudle8.3 Edit paths

Moudle8.4 Understand paths and shapes

Moudle8.5 Draw with the Pencil tool

Moudle8.6 Change corner appearance

Moudle8.7 Draw with the Pen tool

Moudle8.8 Compound paths and shapes

MODULE 9: Color

Moudle9.1 Apply color

Moudle9.2 Mix inks

Moudle9.3 Work with swatches

Moudle9.4 Tints

Moudle9.5 Understand spot and process colors

Moudle9.6 Blend colors

Moudle9.7 Gradients

MODULE 10: Transparency

Moudle10.1 Flatten transparent artwork

Moudle10.2 Add transparency effects

MODULE 11: Export and publish

Moudle11.1 Publish Online

Moudle11.2 Adobe PDF options

Moudle11.3 Export to Adobe PDF

Moudle11.4 Export to JPEG format

Moudle11.5 Export content to HTML

Moudle11.6 Setting object export options and later

MODULE 12: Printing

Moudle12.1 Print booklets

Moudle12.2 Printer’s marks and bleeds

Moudle12.3 Print documents

Moudle12.4 Inks, separations, and screen frequency

Moudle12.5 Overprinting

Moudle12.6 Create PostScript and EPS files

Moudle12.7 Preflight files before handoff

Moudle12.8 Print thumbnails and oversized documents

Moudle12.9 Prepare PDFs for service providers

Moudle12.10 Prepare to print separations

Moudle12.11 Trap presets

Moudle12.12 Trapping documents and books

Moudle12.13 Print graphics and fonts

Moudle12.14 Adjust ink options for trapping

Moudle12.15 Printing booklets using your desktop printer

Moudle12.16 Adobe Creative Suite Printing Guide

MODULE 13: Automation

Moudle13.1 Data merge

Moudle13.2 Plug-ins

MODULE 14: Accessibility

Moudle14.1 Creating accessible PDF documents

# دورة برنامج أدوبي إنديزاين Adobe InDesign

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# دورة برنامج أدوبي إنديزاين Adobe InDesign